Turn Around

You know, I think I am going to give people a chance from now on. I’ve been somewhat controversial in my opinions, and I think it’s time to change all that. You people aren’t all that bad.

So what’s been going on in the news? I see the Pope isn’t doing to well. That’s too bad. He certainly has done a lot for the Earth. It’s a shame, it really is. I think I need to start paying more attention to the news. I mean, there is a lot of important stuff going on, like that woman who has been in the coma for quite a while. It’s about time I care about things like that, right? Oh, and don’t forget the pop culture stuff. It’s very important to know how Michael Jackson is doing, I mean, it’s important to be on the top of that stuff. I feel like I’ve been behind as far as society goes, just because I don’t know every detail of his trials. It really is important to pay more attention to things of that nature.

I also want to look into religion. It’s about time I had something to believe in. I’m not sure what to look into. Perhaps I should go to church. That would straighten me out. That’s what more people need. Faith in a God. Without Faith, what do we really have?

I was listening to that new U2 CD, and I’ve got to say, Bono is really a rock and roll legend. He’s so great, his music is amazing. He really speaks to me. Actually, so does Fall Out Boy and Brand New. I really do love their music. I can relate to it all. While we are at it, let me say that I have a huge crush on Ashley Simpson. I’m her biggest fan.

I think I am going to get an Ipod. They really are so trendy. You all know how much I love my technology, and I do enjoy Apple products. Maybe I will get the special edition U2 Ipod.

I’ve been thinking about joining a Fraternity too. It’s such a great way to make friends and find your place in society. I know if I do, my brothers will all respect me and I will be able to rely on them if I need help with things. I also want to learn how to play the guitar. The accordion was fun, but it’s just not hip enough. I need to learn something that everyone else can relate to. I have a guitar, so I guess it’s time to learn how to play it.

I just want to fit in with everyone else. I don’t want to be different. I’ll start shopping at Hollister and I’ll start fitting in. I’m going to be a whole new person from now on.

please dont.


