Where Do You Think You’re Going?

Hey folks! Certain sections of this journal are now blocked off from those who aren’t on my friends list! Guess what! If you aren’t on the list, you don’t get the official V.I.P. ticket into a chunk of my journal. How do you get in on this amazing premium offer? Leave a non-anonymous comment, and our bouncers might just add you. Don’t worry though, for those of you who are too shy, or know that I will not under any circumstance ever consider you a friend, you’ll still get a good chunk of your Lynk-goodness every once in a while.

This is a really good idea, for real. Most of my entries are friends-only! I just feel safer that way. You never know who could be reading your journal.

Thats right, I got my own live Jouranl jsut for my Lynk Fix

